Product description
Calibratable room pendulum temperature transmitter (with sleeve) THERMASGARD® RPTM 1with eight switchable measuring ranges, continuous output, in an impact-resistant plastic housing with quick-locking screws, optionally with/without display, cable probe with stainless steel sleeve and plastic sintered filter (replaceable).
The pendulum sensor is specially designed for recording the temperature in larger rooms or halls. The resistance thermometer achieves a very good, representative measurement result due to its positioning in the room. The sensor is calibrated at the factory; fine adjustment by a specialist is possible depending on the environment.
Calibratable room pendulum temperature transmitter (with ball) THERMASGARD® RPTM 2 with eight switchable measuring ranges, continuous output, in impact-resistant plastic housing with quick-locking screws, optionally with/without display, cable probe with black plastic ball.
The pendulum sensor is specially designed for recording the temperature in larger rooms or halls. The resistance thermometer (globe thermometer) achieves a very good, representative measurement result due to its positioning in the room. The dark radiation sensor determines the effective radiant heat at the measuring point. This is relevant for calculating thermal comfort (operative room temperature), which takes into account the interaction of heat radiation and heat convection. The globe temperature relates to the air temperature by approx. 70 % to 30 %. The sensor is calibrated at the factory; fine adjustment by a specialist is possible depending on the environment