Product description
- 900...1100 hPa
- typisch ± 0,4 kPa
- aktiv (0-10V / 4-20mA)
- IP65 / IP67
Calibratable barometer PREMASGARD® ALD with active output (U/I switchable) and 4 measuring ranges (max. 600...1100 hPa, switchable), in a compact plastic housing with quick-locking screws, optionally with/without display.
The pressure transmitter is used to measure the atmospheric air pressure in clean air (non-condensing) or other non-aggressive, non-flammable gases. Applications include ventilation and air conditioning technology, weather measuring stations and air pressure-dependent control systems.
The piezoresistive measuring element is temperature-compensated and guarantees high reliability and accuracy. The sensor is calibrated at the factory; fine adjustment by a specialist is possible depending on the environment.