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- Temperature
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Light Intensity & Motion
- Air Quality
- Flow
- Modbus | Wireless Modbus
- Room controller
- EtherCAT P
- Accessory
Safe and convenient Payment methods at S+S Regeltechnik
Pay free of charge, securely, quickly and decide for yourself which payment method you would like to use.
With the prepayment payment method, you make an advance payment. As soon as your order has been checked and processed, you will receive an order confirmation from us with the invoice amount to be transferred and our account details.
It is essential that you state the correct order number as the reason for payment!
As soon as we have received the amount from you, we will dispatch the items or, in the case of items not in stock, start production.
After activation by S+S Regeltechnik GmbH we offer invoice dispatch.