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Wireless Modbus ersetzt herkömmliches RTU-Kabel

  • W-Modbus ist eine funkbasierte Weiterentwicklung des bewährten Modbus-Standards. Innerhalb des drahtlosen Modbus-RTU-Netzwerks können kabelgebundene Produkte einfach durch drahtlose Geräte ausgetauscht werden. Das standardisierte Modbus-Protokoll bleibt erhalten, die Signale werden mit geringer Latenz übertragen.

  • W-Modbus erleichtert den Aufbau einer intelligenten Gebäudeautomation dank zuverlässiger und sicherer drahtloser Kommunikation. Die neue Technologie punktet durch Kosteneinsparung, steigender Flexibilität sowie sinkendem Installations- und Wartungsaufwand. Dank Mesh-Topologie können einem W-Modbus-Gateway bis zu 100 Geräte zugeordnet werden.

  • Zeitloses Design

    Elegante Gehäuse und Glasfront in schwarz und weiß

  • Integrierte Umwelt-Sensorik

    Ermöglicht energieeffiziente Raumbelüftung

  • Umfangreiche Konfiguration

    Raumbediengeräte ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen

  • Intelligente Gebäudeautomation

    Dank schneller Modbus-Kommunikation und vielen Features

  • Touch-Tasten / Touch-Screen

    Intuitive und smarte Bedienung, stromsparend

  • Many standard languages

    For menu control (DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, RU, others on request)

  • Schnelle Installation

    Dank einfacher Montage und sofortiger Inbetriebnahme

  • Rymaskon 1000 - Interface

    The interface (room operating unit) is used to display and set the actual and setpoint values of a room. The values are made available to the building management system (BMS) via the Modbus or W-Modbus interface.

    Temperature setpoint and fan levels, as well as sun protection and lighting can be set by the user directly on the device or specified by the BMS.

    Highlights Interface:

    • Modbus / W-Modbus (wireless) for recording room values and for higher-level monitoring/control
    • Temperature adjustment | fan adjustment | sun shading control | lighting control
    • Internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2 and VOC
    • Free and user-friendly software for configuration (via USB-C)
    • Installation directly on the wall or on a flush-mounted box
    • Mounting directly on the wall or on a flush-mounted box
  • Rymaskon 1000 - Controller

    The controller variants also have integrated controllers that control all common actuators, damper drives or fan coils directly via the outputs and can therefore be used as stand-alone devices. All values are made available to the building management system (BMS) via the Modbus or W-Modbus interface. If necessary, the BMS can intervene at short notice during operation and adjust parameters or prevent manual operation by the user by blocking individual functions.

    Highlights Controller:

    • Stand-alone controller
    • 24V or 230V power supply
    • Outputs for controlling actuators, damper actuators, fan coils, etc.
    • AO - 0...10V | DO - 24V (floating) | RO - 230V (floating)
    • 2 inputs for an NTC10K, floating or floating 230V contact
    • Modbus / W-Modbus (wireless) for recording room values and for higher-level monitoring/control
    • Temperature adjustment | fan adjustment | sun shading control | lighting control
    • Internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2 and VOC
    • Free and user-friendly software for configuration (via USB-C)
    • Installation directly on the wall or on a flush-mounted box
    • Mounting directly on the wall or on a flush-mounted box

Is wireless communication possible?

Thanks to the latest W-Modbus technology, Rymaskon devices can also be integrated wirelessly into the building automation system. Extending existing networks with W-Modbus is also no problem - up to 100 devices can be assigned to a W-Modbus gateway in the mesh. The wireless range is up to 500 metres - even bridging critical elements such as fire doors is no problem. Thanks to the simple installation and immediate commissioning, you also save time and money.

Read everything you need to know about W-Modbus here.

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Is the integration of W-Modbus not expensive?

No! Our devices have a surcharge of €40 for the W-Modbus module. This is a small amount compared to the advantages of a wireless installation.
In addition, the installation does not necessarily have to be carried out by specialised personnel, as only the power supply needs to be ensured. The configuration is then carried out via the wireless connection of the W-Modbus.

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Can I buy W-Modbus sensors from S+S Regeltechnik?

Yes, S+S Regeltechnik GmbH has recognised the advantages of this new communication standard and now offers all Modbus devices as a wireless Modbus version.
Our measuring devices provide reliable and accurate measurement data, enabling precise control and optimisation. Get an overview of our new W-Modbus product range now. Whether you need transmitters for building automation, HVAC or process technology, we have the right product for you.

Benefit from our cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. We offer you all items relating to sensors and field devices from a single source, because we know how important competitive pricing is. Our range goes beyond the standard portfolio and is therefore the perfect choice.

By the way: W-Modbus products from S+S are also compatible with products from other manufacturers. Existing networks can therefore be easily expanded or replaced with our devices.